it is a project made to help people around dharan to not worry about for room seeking . It is an open for everyone to create a listing of room , vacant around. It includes the features like filtering of listing according to status (vacant or not) , pricing , location and etc. it is hosted on
DemoIt is a showcase project design for practice using react and tailwind css. It is hosted on github pages . it include the features like showcasing the food according to the country i.e. nepali food ,indian food , thai food . which includes the price and restaurant’s name .
DemoIt has the same features as that of youtube original excluding features like comment, like share and subscribe. Visitors can search, play video and have feature of infinite scroll and top loading bar.
DemoA digital khata where a person can add customer , product in his/her store and can add the transaction with due amount . it includes home page showing today’s due , today’s payment and today’s total amount . It also shows the today’s customer. It has due page where a person can filter the customer with due and can clear the due.
DemoA dashboard for 3s solutions which have customer and others showing revenues and others dealing . It includes the data manipulation using sync fusion charts.
DemoUsing three js , the revolution of planets around the sun has been implemented . showing their speed of revolution and their own orbital spin.